Enlightening about Neonectria cankers

The meeting on Neonectria cankers on trees was fruitful for the participants in the SNS–NKJ network Neonectria cankers on trees.

Close up on branch. Photo.
Canker wounds with numerous fruiting bodies of Neonectria ditissima on apple. Photos from the book of abstracts, see link in the bottom of the page: Venche Talgø

Neonectria cankers on trees – meeting of changed climatic conditions and increased problems in Scandinavian horticulture and forest production by interdisciplinary networking” is a newly started network. First meeting was at Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO) at Ås February 6 2018.

The whole meeting day gave a nice overview of current knowledge in research about the diseases Neonectria-species is causing both in forestry, landscaping and in horticulture.

Status of each of the three Neonectria pathogens were presented from each of the four countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In addition there was one invited speaker for each pathogen; Roland Weber from Germany covering Neonectria ditissima, Ana Perez-Sierra from England covering Neonectria neomacrospora and Richard O’Hanlon from Northern Ireland covering Neonectria fuckeliana.

Lecture hall with ongoing presentation. Photo.
Meeting participants listening to one of the interesting lectures about Neonectria. Photo: Dalphy Harteweld

One comment after the meeting was: this was an eye opener for me, I was not aware of the disease on the other trees.

The network will meet in late autumn and discuss how we can cooperate in the future and how we can use knowledge obtained on one tree and with one Neonectria specie to improve on other trees and other Neonectria-species.


Download book of abstracts for Neonectria cankers meeting