OPEN CALL: NKJ now welcomes applications from researcher networks in all aspects of food and agriculture. We want to facilitate collaboration between researchers in the Nordic countries, increase synergies and bridge gaps between research and practice.
Deadline for application: 31 januari 2024
This call is open to applicants from all fields of research within food and agriculture. NKJ wants to facilitate collaboration between researchers in the Nordic countries and link national research projects where considerable positive outcomes can be reached through a wider regional scope. Nordic collaboration increase synergies in agriculture and food sector research.
NKJ supports the creation of Nordic networks of researchers that can make it easier to apply for funding and participate in European collaborations e.g. Horizon Europe.
To have the chance to be granted, the network should include applicants from at least three Nordic countries. Each gender must be represented by a minimum of 40% of the participants in the network, and NKJ welcomes applicants and participants of other genders. Young researchers should be included in the network.
Network outputs should be useful for the Nordic community and should include knowledge exchange across national borders.
You can apply for maximum 300.000 SEK, and you will need co-financing of at least 50% of the total budget.
The focus areas in the NKJ strategy can give you some inspiration:
- Increase sustainability and resilience in agriculture and food production in a growing bioeconomy
- Strengthen the Nordic region’s position in agricultural and food research within Europe
- Use land resources as a basis for value creation and regional development as well as improved supply capacity, reduced environmental and climate impact and better adaptation to the climate
- Strengthen the knowledge base for sustainable reindeer husbandry
- Strengthen and develop the New Nordic Food project to promote Nordic food culture and strengthen the food system
- Strengthen equality within the bioeconomy with a particular focus on gender and the position of children and youth
BUT this call is open for applicants from all fields of research within food and agriculture!