Join the webinar on sustainable food systems

The NKJ funded network “The role of Nordic research in transition to sustainable agro-marine food systems” is arranging a webinar on sustainable food systems January 24, 2023.


The webinar is entitled “How do Nordic research institutions approach sustainability in the food systems? Experiences from research and education”. It aims to start an interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder dialogue among the partner universities and other relevant institutions on the role of Nordic research in transition to sustainable agro-marine food systems. The seven Nordic universities will share their experiences and practices. Discussion and comments are welcome!

Invitation 1 (QR code for registration)

Register here!


13.00-13.05 Welcoming by Sami Kurki, Director of Ruralia Institute, University of Helsinki
13.05-13.12 Short introduction by the Jonathan Eng, Nordic Council, moderator
13.12-13.20 Short speech by NKJ secretariat
13.20-13.30 Aarhus University
13.30-13.40 Agricultural University of Iceland
13.40-13.50 University of Faroe Islands
13.50-14.00 University of Iceland
14.00-14.10 Ruralia Institute
14.10-14.20 SIFO OSLOMET
14.20-14.30 SLU
14.30-14.40 Video with interviews to the master/PhD students
14.40-15.00 Launch of the Linkedin page Nordic Academia for Sustainable