New NKJ networks granted

Open bean capsule. Photo.NKJ will contribute to further Nordic cooperation through the new research networks that was granted funding at the board meeting in June. We hope your cooperation will be really fruitful, and NKJ would like to take part in it in different ways.


We received many applications for the call for networks in agriculture and climate. Here is the list of those who were granted funding:

In the call in plant health and alternative protein sources, we received fewer applications. We believe that part of the explanation may be that the Corona pandemic had reached the Nordic region when the call was opened – it is meetings between people that we want to achieve! But it doesn’t have to be physical meetings, so we hope you will be able to conduct all the activities planned for.

These networks have applied for and received funding from us:

  • Arctic Pea Network, Karolina Aloisi, NordGen
  • Nordic Apple Network: Towards decreasing postharvest losses in apple by knowledge exchange and capacity building, Larisa Gustavsson, SLU
  • Nordic Grain – Sustainable disease management in cereals in the Nordic region, Thies Marten Heick, Århus university
  • Bridge builders – Building sustainable nutritional bridges between research and health and wellbeing services for elderly, Teija Rautiainen, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences