Call for abstracts opens 31.10.2024
Deadline for abstracts 17.1.2025
Decision on abstracts 3.3.2025
Deadline for extended abstracts 25.4.2025
The conference organizers are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract by January 17 2025 for consideration for the NFN2025. Please use the below listed themes as an indicative guide rather than a restrictive list. For the final program, the themes will be modified and the abstracts grouped to foster discussion across disciplines and food system activities.
• Methods for transdisciplinary food systems research
• Transitional and transformative frameworks
• Indicators for sustainability assessment: environmental, economic and socio-cultural
• Transformative food systems policy and governance
• Dietary shifts towards sustainability
• Changing food cultures, values and behaviors
• Sustainable food businesses
• Localizing food
• Towards profitable and resilient primary production
• Towards increased feed and food protein self-sufficiency
• Role of livestock in future sustainable food systems
• Novel production technologies and novel foods
• Other
Please submit your abstract (250 words) via the online participant portal. When submitting your abstract, please indicate which of the themes your paper or poster contributes to. Please follow the instructions here.
Submitted abstracts can be considered for paper presentations (10 min presentation with 20 min discussion) and poster presentations (5 min presentation). Paper and poster presentations will be organized by themes with designated time devoted to collective discussion across the presented papers and posters.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to submit extended abstracts (1.500 words) by April 25 2025. Each of the papers will be assigned two discussants. We will ask the paper presenters also to act as discussants for the other papers in the thematic workshops. Again, here the aim is to foster inter- and transdisciplinary thinking amongst us.
Accepted posters will be presented in the dedicated poster sessions and displayed in the designated poster area during the whole conference.
Poster abstracts and extended paper abstracts will be collated in an online supplement and displayed on the conference website.
We are negotiating a possibility to publish a Special Issue on Nordic perspectives to securing sustainable food systems in turbulent times. We will ask your interest in submitting to the SI in the acceptance abstracts.