How can we bridge different knowledge systems when making decisions, policies and research that concerns reindeer husbandry? Join the live stream of a Nordic side event at LUKEs Reindeer and Fish Science Days.
The side event is a panel debate on traditional, local, and scientific knowledge, and how to bridge different knowledge systems for thriving livelihoods and well-functioning governance in reindeer husbandry. During this panel we will hear perspectives from Norway, Sweden and Finland on how to bridge different knowledge systems when making decisions, policies and research.
The debate is hosted by The Nordic Reindeer Committee, with Mika Survonen (president of the Nordic Reindeer Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland) and Sirpa Rasmus (University of Lapland). Panelists will be:
• Marja-Kristin Skum, reindeer herder and secretary at the Truth Commission for the Sami people in Sweden
• Svein Morten Eilertsen, research scientist at NIBIO, Division of Forest and Forest Resources Wildlife and Rangelands in Norway
• Sanna Hast, land-use specialist at the Reindeer Herders’ Association in Finland
Physically the side event will take place in Ylläs, Finland, but for interested who is not visiting the Reindeer and Fish Science Days, it will be live streamed August 27, 09.00–11.00 Finnish time (08.00–10.00 CEST).
Sign up by sending an email to to register for the online event and you will be sent a link to zoom.
09.00–09.30 Introductions and presentations
09.30–10.40 Panel discussion
10.40–11.00 Closing remarks