Increased cooperation in reindeer husbandry through the NKJ working group

The working group for reindeer husbandry in NKJ has a revival. It has three new members from Finland, Norway and Sweden and they have already started working for increased cooperation.

See contact informtion for our members here

Scenic view with raindeers walking on a road. Photo.

For several years, there has been a cooperation agreement between the three Nordic countries on reindeer issues. The reindeer husbandry is ancient in the area and there are long traditions linked to the utilization of natural resources  through reindeer husbandry.

Although the legal conditions and problem areas differ, there are also many related issues in reindeer husbandry throughout the three countries. That makes the working group relevant and cooperation important and fruitful.

These are the members of the Nordic Reindeer Committee:

NKJ will come back to reindeer husbandry in different ways, so keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for the NKJ newsletter and you wont miss out on any events or opportunities!